2009年7月24日 星期五


Beng Hock. You left me so suddenly without any messages.
你说我们还有很多事还没完成,You said we have so many things we have yet to do together
有很多地方很想去,There are a lot of places we were suppose to visit
你还说这一辈子的路都会陪我一起走下去的,You said you would accompany me all the way
现在的我该怎么办呢?Now, what should I do?
怎样才能再见到你呢?How can I see you again?
我的脑海里一直都想著你,I think of you constantly.
I'm thinking of you... I want you to come back, come back to my side...
这几天我一直都在等你,Over the past few days, I keep waiting for you
但是却让我失望了,But it has been a disappointment.
我只想知道你现在过得好不好,痛不痛……?I just want to know if you are alright, are you in pain...?
could you not keep me in waiting? Let me see you once. Just once is enough.
当哭泣以及呼唤都无法叫醒你的时候,When my tears and shouts are unable to wake up you,
我已不能不相信你已永远的离开了我。I have no choice but to believe that you have left me forever.
再多的不舍今天还是要与你告别了。Today, I still have to say goodbye.
我答应你,我会好好的活下去。I promise you, I will lead a proper life.
但是,你一定要在我身边陪伴我,陪我一起照顾他。But, you must promise to be beside me, and raise (the child) with me.
明福,虽然今世我与你的缘分已尽了。Beng Hock, our journey in this life has ended.
但是我希望,如果有下一辈子的话,我很想与你再继我们今生的缘分。But I hope, if there is a next life, I really hope that you can I can continue our journey.
你安心上路吧,愿你安息。May you rest in peace.
